Monday, March 2, 2009

fill in the rest

writing prompt for today:
Use one of the following phrases as the first line of your poem.
Write at least two poems in the ten minutes we have to write.
No, your poem doesn't have to rhyme.
Be creative in crafting vivid imagery.

First lines:
  • One window is all I need
  • Forgive me while I lower my head now
  • He hadn't fished on any river
  • Once I dreamed I succeeded in balancing on an egg
  • She blinked and moved on
(If you absolutely detest all of these first lines, go ahead and write your own.)

Here's what I came up with in about five minutes...nothing much, but it's always fun to go off for a moment:

one window is all I need
though I'd like three or four
luxury is not an option
with these dark dank walls
closing me in

one window is all I need
but no plea
can crack open a break
in this stone

one window is all I need
to see
to gaze
at a spot of hope
removed from here

all I need is one window
is one window all I need?
is survival one window?
survival is one day
one moment

one breath


1 comment:

Rachel Leslie said...

you're not suppose to let us know how easy it is for you.