Friday, October 31, 2008

let this light at least dim, please



I've checked.

Did a quick check
And even a long check.

And, no,
There's nothing like that.

I have no neat, white, rectangle
Screwed to the wall
Of my emotional inside.

I've no switch in the middle of me.

My heart beats blood.
It owns no quick method of on or off.
It's on and
On and
And on, drowning in these feelings.

Oh how desperately I desire to reach out,
Bring my hand down upon it,
Turn it off somehow.


Somehow this powerful
On and on and on
Will ebb away
To a low murmur.

Somehow, hopefully,
For I know there's never a complete

Despite an end's existence.


Rachel Leslie said...

this is so beautiful me analyn, sigh.

lizpletsch said...

This may be so weird for me to say, but you describe feelings I have but cannot describe. Basically, your words are beautiful.